Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

The Wolf Man in India

This man was 11 years old with long hair covered his face almost three inches (7.62 cm) suffered from a disease called werewolf syndrome. Pruthviraj Patil, genetic disease that very rarely happens that affects one in a billion people.

Since the age of 9 years, the man from India was undergoing various treatments, including ailopahty, homiopathy, and ayurveda, even with a laser. However, none was able to eliminate the way hair grows nearly this dense. Wherever he went, people stared at him and mocking him as a werewolf.

Although Pruthviraj admitted his hair is so annoying and people stare at first met with him, this young man is popular at school and like to play cricket. "It was difficult to meet with people outside the region. They do not know me why," said Pruthviraj. He said, though his hair grow all over his body, he never experienced itching, odor, and rash.





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